Life from a London Eye by Magda Peregrina

My adventure started in 2011… I was in my third year of the degree at the Building Engineering, University of Granada, I have to recognise that I was not the best pupil, ti be honest, I was one of the worst students of my promotion… at that time Spain was deeply whipped with the crisis… my friends were finishing their degrees and falling debris, as our business were notably damaged.
I remember that I used to work in a Pub in winter to pay for my studies and my expenses, and during the summer I moved to Mallorca to work in a restaurant as a waitress, and save enough money for that purpose, but actually, I truly enjoyed working at hospitality business. In that summer savings were not so good as they used to be, the season was notably affected by the crisis. I only managed to save enough, either to pay the new year subjects, or to change my life 180 degrees, I took a coin on the last day in Mallorca and the decision was clear. I didn´t take a flight back to Granada but to London instead.
I only had one way flight. I did not know, for how long I would be in London, probably enough to learn English… maybe three months…. I was more than optimistic. I got my first job in the Twickenham Stadium, Rugby club, the first week in London I started as a runner, and two months later I was promoted, I still don´t know how,,as most of the time I couldn´t understand anything, I only smiled, said yes and worked hard. As a friendly and empathetic person, I got along with my colleagues, from all over the world, and I started making very good friends, some of them are part of the family nowadays. I discovered in London an open window to the whole world, a mixture of cultures, all working in the same direction, surviving, looking for a better life, learning and being happy.
One year after (I also still don’t know how, as my English remained awful) I got a job as a hostess in a JW Marriot hotel in the most beautiful and luxury Lounge that I have ever been.  We were earning more from tips than from salary… I couldn´t expect that, but everything changed.. I took advantage of the situation with all my friends, and the next year, I visited more than ten countries, with the cheapest flight, free accommodation and private tour guide!! London was a development personally and professionally, as it changed my destiny and I have never regretted it.
Nine years later I am here cloistered at home with the Coronavirus whipping the whole world, I still am studying English and appreciating more the important things in life, which are friends, family and health, as opportunities will always change like the side of a coin, once we wake up, we will definitely be better and we will travel again!!!
